Welcome to the Minuto Cash Wiki

Minutos are created decentrally and then used similar to cash.

What is Minuto?

Minuto is a regional currency that can be self-printed on ordinary paper. It is organized in a decentralized manner, can be circulated in many regions *) and used in a similar way to official cash. In addition, Minuto is a social, hands-on networking project that focuses on people and their abilities.

About this Wiki

On these pages all knowledge about Minuto from theory to practice is collected. Similar to the open source idea, everyone can publish their knowledge and experience about Minuto here and thus share it with the public.

Minuto - freies Geld für eine freie Welt - Video on YouTube

Minuto lecture
Presentation in German on the need for free means of payment and the potential of Minuto.
(YouTube, 54:48)

Minuto - make your own money - Video on YouTube

Minuto - make your own money
A 30 minutes movie on Minuto.
(YouTube, 29:39)

More videos

Regional Network

On Minuto-Regional.de you can connect regionally and post your ad.

Telegram channel and info chat

Find the latest news on Telegram:

If you have further questions about Minuto, you can ask in the Minuto chat. You can find this chat in the Telegram channel above.

Basic knowledge for beginners


Minuto needs a new awareness of what money is and how it works. It is fundamentally a very simple concept, yet it requires a rethink. For beginners, here is a basic description of how the idea works.

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Frequently asked questions

You have a few questions about Minuto and want to have them clarified? Here you will find some questions that are asked very often. Also for better understanding, it is useful to read through these questions and answers.

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Significance and impact

What makes additional means of payment so significant? What is special about Minuto? What positive effects does it have? These and other questions are addressed here.

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Minuto in practice

How to start with Minuto

How can I establish Minuto in my region? How should I start? What experience do you have?

To follow...

Minuto for private use

How can I use Minuto privately? What are the benefits of using Minuto privately? These and other questions are addressed here.

To follow...

Minuto for companies and entrepreneurs

Here you will find hints on how to use Minuto in a business environment, what things you need to know and what benefits you will get from it.

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*) Legal notice: If you want to issue or use Minuto in another country or legal system than Germany and Switzerland the legal and tax situation must be checked beforehand. A lawyer and a tax consultant should be consulted before any use.